
    YMM Airport Garage and Tool Shed


    The Rundown

    After fire destroyed support buildings at the YMM airport, the airport commission chose a pair of fabric structures to replace a vehicle maintenance facility and tool shed. In addition to designing and installing the building, Legacy Building Solutions acted as construction manager.

    Feature Details

    • Tool shed 40 ft x 56 ft, garage 46 ft by 50 ft
    • Blue and white PE fabric
    • R-30 insulation with interior fabric liner
    • 18-in eaves with soffit ventilation
    • Attached CO and NOx monitors and communication siren
    • Commercial grade overhead doors with electronic openers
    • Legacy acted as construction manager, including removing and reinstalling concrete
    • 1.5 kPa Ss, .1 kPa Sr, .35 kPa windspeed, open exposure, partially enclosed, low occupancy, 2 lbs collateral load
    • Building use: Airport garage and tool shed


    Aviation, Military


    4,540 sq ft


    YMM Airport – Fort McMurray, AB




    Legacy was one of the only companies that could construct to that height.

    We needed a structure this big to be able to do maintenance inside, and we needed something we could erect quickly and meet all our requirements. Legacy was one of the only companies that could construct to that height.

    Jason Berzansky US Steel

    Legacy Building Solutions has given Solar Ship more than just a state-of-the-art hangar and assembly building.

    Through our close collaboration, their design incorporates a self-reliant photovoltaic power package that sits above the fabric roof, allowing our building operations to be entirely off-grid. In addition, Legacy’s foundation design allowed us to re-use an existing concrete pad, saving us time and money during construction. These innovations were part of our top-level requirements, and delivering on them really sets Legacy apart from the traditional building segment.

    Lewis Reford Solar Ship

    Legacy was the only one that could do a two-stepped building.

    Legacy was the only one that could do a two-stepped building, so we could have a high part in front …and then have it stepped down, so we stay out of the clearance zone.

    James Kessler Ontario Airport (ONT)
    Golden accent arrow

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