
    U.S. Steel


    The Rundown

    The U.S. Steel facility has the highest roof peak we’ve ever constructed at 97 feet. The walls, too, are the tallest we’ve constructed at 74 feet. At 110 feet by 500 feet, the building itself is somewhat large, but it’s the height that gets the attention. The new maintenance building has been constructed in the footprint of the old maintenance building. Legacy customizes all of our customers’ structures, so fitting a structure into an established footprint is something we do best.

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    55,000 sq ft


    Braddock, PA




    The extended life span of a Legacy building over competitors was also a main factor.

    The finished interior was a key factor in ultimately choosing Legacy, as well as the simplicity of the solution and the relocatability. The extended life span of a Legacy building over competitors was also a main factor in choosing Legacy.

    Project Manager Camp Lemonnier

    Working with Legacy was great.

    Cost was the initial factor for selecting Legacy, but once we saw the engineering that goes into their design, we understood that could make it easy for us to expand the building in later phases. We also liked its compatibility with conventional construction. There are a lot of possibilities we could explore in the future. The guys who constructed the building worked under some really, really tough conditions, but they wrapped it up on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, and the building opened Christmas morning. Everyone was very responsive, and it was a pleasure to work with them. Once visitors got into the building and we experienced the interior environment with the heat flow and the insulation, we were very satisfied.

    Tom Tar Belleayre Mountain

    Legacy has superior installation value.

    Having designed the mechanical and electrical systems, as well as structural foundations for these types of buildings, we find that a Legacy fabric structure has superior insulation value compared to a pre-engineered metal structure with the same ‘R’ value of insulation.

    Terry Smith TWS President and CEO
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    Partnerships Equal Structural Integrity

    Whatever your industry, project, and desired application, the Legacy team of engineers will make your vision a reality. Start your project with the team who will provide you more than the structural integrity of your building a partnership.