
    U.S. Steel


    The Rundown

    The U.S. Steel facility has the highest roof peak we’ve ever constructed at 97 feet. The walls, too, are the tallest we’ve constructed at 74 feet. At 110 feet by 500 feet, the building itself is somewhat large, but it’s the height that gets the attention. The new maintenance building has been constructed in the footprint of the old maintenance building. Legacy customizes all of our customers’ structures, so fitting a structure into an established footprint is something we do best.

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    55,000 sq ft


    Braddock, PA




    Legacy Building Solutions has given Solar Ship more than just a state-of-the-art hangar and assembly building.

    Through our close collaboration, their design incorporates a self-reliant photovoltaic power package that sits above the fabric roof, allowing our building operations to be entirely off-grid. In addition, Legacy’s foundation design allowed us to re-use an existing concrete pad, saving us time and money during construction. These innovations were part of our top-level requirements, and delivering on them really sets Legacy apart from the traditional building segment.

    Lewis Reford Solar Ship

    The new building will protect the salt supply.

    It will be protected from being compromised by wind and precipitation. Once the general contractor completed the footings and floors, Legacy installed the fabric building very quickly, in about two weeks. It was a very positive process with professional communication between Legacy and Dewberry throughout the project.

    Craig Swengle Dewberry Engineers

    The whole engineering phase with Legacy was excellent.

    They were very responsive to our ideas and turned things around very quickly. Even the installation was fast—the whole building was erected in about seven days. The fabric roof allows a lot of natural light into the building, which is a big advantage on the operations floor, since it reduces our need for artificial lighting inside. It provides significant sheltering from rain, wind and cold. Even though we didn't have it insulated, it's still noticeably more comfortable inside during the winter. The structure actually provides more of a shading and cooling effect. The Legacy building has performed at or above expectations in many ways. And on top of its functionality within our process, it offers environmentally friendly features in its own right. It's a great system for our application.

    Dean Foor JC Biomethane
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    Whatever your industry, project, and desired application, the Legacy team of engineers will make your vision a reality. Start your project with the team who will provide you more than the structural integrity of your building a partnership.