
    New Yard LLC Marine Storage Building


    The Rundown

    This clearspan fabric building in Portland, Maine, is insulated and climate controlled to create a dry interior for boat storage. The skylight allows natural light into the building for a more pleasant, natural-feeling environment.

    Feature Details

    • Building size: 120 ft x 160 ft with an 18-ft interior eave height and 3-ft overhangs
    • Designed with specific clearances to meet zoning maximums and interior required volume
    • Includes load design for sprinkler system, interior circulation fans and future expansion
    • End wall engineered for two 20 ft x 20 ft high-lift overhead doors and one 30 ft x 30 ft bi-fold loading door
    • Exclusive interior liner system with active cavity ventilation system for energy efficiencies
    • Active gable peak-mounted intake and exhaust system
    • Exterior light and camera mounts plus bird deterrent system
    • Legacy-designed ice breakers on roof edges
    • Structure has bi-level foundation and interior base slope of 2/12
    • 60 psf ground snow load, 110 mph windspeed, seismic C
    • Building was delivered and installed on time and on budget
    • Building use: Marine storage building


    Ports & Waterways


    19,200 sq ft


    Portland, ME




    Everything that Legacy said they were going to do, they did.

    We obviously had contracts, but the overall feel was kind of like the olden days, where you felt you could just take somebody at their word. Price is a major factor in any purchase decision. But we didn't blink at having to pay a little more for the Legacy structure. Sometimes you have to spend more to get a higher quality building. The installation was very smooth. Legacy's in-house crew worked in cold winter conditions, and they erected the building within five days. They were a very professional group, and I'd highly recommend them. We like the sidewall columns going straight up instead of curving down like in our hoop buildings. First off, it lets us put more product in there. And our front-end loaders can get much closer to the walls and drive straight down the sides. It gives us more working room and increases our efficiency. In the long run I think this will be a building that requires less maintenance. Legacy was so outstanding to work with that I didn't even bother looking at pricing elsewhere.

    Marty Shell Five Rivers

    The new building will protect the salt supply.

    It will be protected from being compromised by wind and precipitation. Once the general contractor completed the footings and floors, Legacy installed the fabric building very quickly, in about two weeks. It was a very positive process with professional communication between Legacy and Dewberry throughout the project.

    Craig Swengle Dewberry Engineers

    The Legacy construction crew was very professional and courteous.

    Because of our soil issues, we simply couldn't afford to construct a more traditional building. The concrete costs made a more traditional building cost prohibitive. The lightweight design of our Legacy building allowed us to reach a compromise between soil conditions and cost. Regarding the design and construction phases of the building, I can say that the process went exceptionally well. When I made eleventh-hour changes to the job, Legacy handled them with ease. They finished the job well ahead of schedule, worked safely, and followed our stringent safety requirements to the letter.

    Joe Bitter Alliant Energy/IEI Barge Services
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