
    Montgomery Ventures Aviation Hangars


    The Rundown

    These fabric airplane hangars use three different designs. A pavilion style keeps the buildings shaded with ultimate access, while enclosed buildings with a roll-up door provide greater security. Identical fabric keep the buildings looking uniform.

    Feature Details

    • Total of 27 buildings
    • Three building sizes: 60 ft x 60 ft, 51 ft x 70 ft, 130 ft x 70 ft
    • 60 ft x 60 ft buildings have 17.5-ft on center trusses; other buildings have 20-ft trusses
    • Legacy provided technical supervision for local install crews
    • Built on existing concrete foundation
    • 17.5 ft truss spacing
    • Steel frame and components primed
    • 90 mph windspeed, seismic A
    • Building use: Aviation Hangars




    3,600 sq ft






    Legacy was one of the only companies that could construct to that height.

    We needed a structure this big to be able to do maintenance inside, and we needed something we could erect quickly and meet all our requirements. Legacy was one of the only companies that could construct to that height.

    Jason Berzansky US Steel
    Golden accent arrow

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    Whatever your industry, project, and desired application, the Legacy team of engineers will make your vision a reality. Start your project with the team who will provide you more than the structural integrity of your building a partnership.